Monday, February 6, 2012

Ode to the little dog whom I love. . .

. . . You can say what you like about modern singers and songwriters. You can wonder, as I have, why we sometimes hear more choruses and refrains than new lyrics.

But you have to admit that those singers and writers connect to the raw emotions of the universe.

I am sitting here thinking about the little dog who is almost sixteen and how she keeps choking for air. I don't know what will happen at the vet's, but I find myself, here, wishing for a song that has already captured what it is that I now feel.


Denece said...

Thank you.

whirligigdaisy said...

Ah. Hope everything is OK. Is it OK? or no.

Olive Kite said...

She's 16 now. And the last while has been rocky. We think it's the heart medication, so we've stopped giving it to her. We shall see if she perks up.

Old age, for dogs and people alike, isn't all that easy.